Sunday, January 23, 2011

Detox/Sugar Cleanse: Nutrition and Exercise

I promised some of you, that I would start blogging about my 30 day Detox so here are my thoughts, protocols, sufferings, and moments of enlightenment's-- hope you enjoy!

Some of you have been asking me to clarify what is this sugar detox? Why am I torturing myself? What is my protocol? Am I achieving or satisfied with my goals? I want to address all of these questions and more in my post because I find it exciting that so many have been inquiring and encouraging me forward! I also, am having a lot of fun on this journey and thought it may increase my joy to blog about it!!!

So, here I go into the vast unknown with some anxiety contemplating sharing my intimate moments with friends and family. Sharing is not my thing when it comes to discussing so openly my inner struggles, especially with food. My fear of sharing my intimate thoughts, actually fuels me to invite all of you into my heart and mind as a sign of defiance to all things that generate fear. I refuse to be bound by anything especially fear.

I decided to participate in a self made sugar detox because I felt the holiday season had catapulted me into a state of being out of control! The cookies, and homemade egg nog, the boxes of chocolate brought to us, the staff at work by our patients, the wonderfully warm and gooey cakes and brownies, made so lovingly by one of our secretaries, by my perpetual addiction to peppermint mocha lattes!!!! Oh, I blame the season but in reality, I felt I had already been on the path of sugar overload for a very long time.

I am not going to debate the relativity of what is too much sugar because this is my journey and about what is relative to me. For me, I did not want the effects of sugar but I so eagerly participated in the consumption of my favorite pastime- chocolate. Chocolate kisses, hot chocolate, chocolate mocha, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate candies- chocolate donuts, chocolate brownies. Mind you, I did not consume chocolate all day long, but first thing in the morning, my peppermint mocha was on the to do list prior to heading out to work, then of course, there was always 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate at work, then perhaps a desert later that night and to celebrate a glorious day, sipping on wonderfully hot chocolate while cuddled up under my down comforter- ah so perfect...

However, from previous sugar fast, I had realized that addition of sugar in my diet, had a very strange effect on me- muscle aches and pains, fingers and toes swelling, chronic fatigue, increased fat. Over the years, since my early 20's , I routinely fasted from sugar, dairy, complex carbs, and discovered, in my body- eliminating these substances for short periods of time, always made me feel and look better.

So, why not start off the New Year, with a behavior that had proven to me in the past, to make me feel better. Beginning this detox was not difficult because I was just fed up with my low energy, my muscle aches and pains, my increasing flabbiness, my moodiness- all of which I was confident could be helped by simply eliminating sugar.

So, the blog begins on DAY 20.

Today was a great day- however it was not sugar free. I started my day on target with breakfast, then every 3 hours eating small amounts of combined carbs, fats, and protein. Later in the day, I enjoyed my first latte in 20 days (sugar in the syrup), and then after dinner- finished my day with a hot chocolate. These foods are not allowed on a sugar free detox diet but I allowed myself to participate. It is important for me to understand why I would chose to make a choice that is directly contrary to a decision I had previously made which was detox for 3o days. After contemplating, I have decided that I was slightly stressed today- as a result, I reverted back to a known behavior which has brought me temporary comfort. Now, I am asking myself, after the fact, is this something that I want to change or am I satisfied with my behavior?

For me, this is something I want to change. I do not want to find comfort, on a subconscious level, in food. Why, because this type of food, is actually unhealthy for me. Sugar, as I am defining it: processed, white cane sugar, has been proven to create inflammation in the body. It is my goal, to decrease the amount of inflammation in my body for many many reasons which I will not get into today.

As the days passed, my protocol of my detox evolved!! I started off eliminating sugar, defined as processed sugar, anything other than agave, stevia, maple syrup, or honey was not allowed. Therefore, this appeared to cut back on some foods like protein bars I was consuming, yogurts, breads, crackers. As a result, I realized that after 10 days, I had also been gluten free! I felt fantastic. Therefore, I decided to continue on the path of gluten and sugar free!

So what is a typical day like for meals?

I start my day rotating between 3 or 4 choices: a huge bowl of veggies with butter, salt and spices; egg or hemp protein shake with almond or rice milk; veggie egg omelet; or a Luna peanut butter cookie bar.

3 hours later: I have a small 'meal' that consist of protein, fat, carbs ex: Greek yogurt with applesauce and hemp seed; or the Luna bar; or a serving of almonds; or carrots and hummus.

3 hours later: same as above

3 hours later: same as above

3 hours later: supper with the hubby: a large salad, with some source of animal protein, sometimes a carb such as brown rice, gluten free pasta, or sweet potatoes.

The protocol evolved somewhere in those first few days to include YOGA!!!

I now have maintained a steady workout routine of 1.5 hours of yoga, or running, or P90X routines a minimum of 5 x per week.

Other parts of the protocol:

As mentioned previously, one goal is to decrease the amount of subclinical 'inflammation'
in my body therefore, I try to add spices such as Cinnamon, turmeric, cardamon, ginger, garlic to my foods. Also, if I eat a sugar in my tea such as agave, I add stevia to counter the effects of the insulin rise. Exercise regularly helps control inflammation in the body and brain.

I am also on a supplement protocol which I will get into later.

To conclude today's post, I want to briefly summarize what I am achieving from this DETOX.
As a result of eliminating sugar, within two days my energy levels were increased. As most of you know, I work in a fast paced, outpatient facility managing one patient every half hour, for an 8-11 hour day. Amoungst those patients, each and every one potentially has a different diagnoses in which I must immediately, transition my mind and body to analyze and apply the appropriate treatment intervention. Mistakes are not allowed. I give 110 percent to every single patient/client. I am rarely sitting. Most of my time is spent mobilizing joint/articular structures of individuals ranging from 250 pounds to 90. Transitioning between strictly orthopedic to all levels of cognitive abilities, neurological pathologies, all age ranges including pediatrics to geriatrics, back to back clients of potentially a professional athlete and the next, a MS patient. Many clients have co-morbid diagnoses and every client learns differently. I have to perform my duties in 30 -38 minutes per patient/client.
Needless to say, I have a high stressed job, which I love, perform well but expect more of myself of which is limited if I am in pain , tired, or stressed.

Four and half years ago, I sustained a back injury while skiing. I was paralyzed for 15 minutes in my lower extremeties, and since learned I perforated a lumbar disc. Over the years, juggling between working 50 hours a week and being in college at the same time- full time; my regular workout routines were put on the sidelines. As a result, I lost a tremendous amount of muscle mass. Two years ago, I began tripping and noted I was unable to sit up straight unless I put cognitive effort into it. Recognizing this as a sign of disc issues, I had a PT friend evaluate me and sure enough, my muscle tone was none existent througout my right paraspinal lower lumbar region. Therefore, I made an appointment with a neurologist, who first scanned my brain to make sure I wasn't having mini strokes, then performed the lumbar MRI- revealing a perforation. I was told surgery was an option.

Of course, surgery is never an option for me if it is strictly orthopedic. So, I became motivated to strengthen my core. However, I struggled in many ways which I will not get into today but one of those ways was that I had developed muscle aches and pains , joint pain, stiffness and was in pain daily. As I proceeded to embark on workouts, my muscles which previously has sustained massive amounts of endurance and eccentric loads, fatigued and were painful within minutes.

WTF??? I was so frustrated, but recognized this as a sign of chronic inflammation which sets off an entire chain of weakness and pain on the immune levels and had lead to tissue degradation and nerve inflammation.

Thus, I decided to address my nutrition, brain health, hydration, sleep, and appropriate protocols to slowly regain my strength and muscle mass.

I was extremely frustrated in myself. As previous to my back injury, I had began participating in tri-atholons and prided myself in my endurance and power as an endurance athlete. I had logged hundreds of miles on my road bike, crashed like a big dog on cross country mountain biking and got up in minutes without perceived injury. So imagine, how utterly disgusted I was that I could not perform a bridge position without struggling with strength and muscle spasms.

Needless to say, my journey did not begin with January 2011 Detox. It is only a small part of what I have already begun...

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, what a journey. I, too have been on a journey and have just completed my first 21 day fast (Daniel fast: fruits and vegetables). God is so good. I feel better than I have felt in years. (Not because of the fast but because of where God has had me for the past several years) I got on the scale yesterday and weighed what I weighed when I moved to MD in 1991. I am working on incorporating more raw foods into my families diet. I've started no lemon grass yet...but I'm open. I love you and am glad to hear you are doing well. My love and prayers are with you and Frank. blessings kim
